They Promised Us Convergence Part 3
There has been plenty of TV-Internet convergence going on since I posted the first two parts of this series. (parts 1 and 2)
On Networks is producing tons of original content.
Mojo is a high-def online site owned by Comcast, Cox Communications and Time Warner among others.
Vuze is allowing users to upload or watch high-def videos.
Lots of Little Screens: TV Is Changing Shape
By Denise Caruso for the New York Times
"INEXPENSIVE broadband access has done far more for online video than enable the success of services like YouTube and iTunes. By unchaining video watchers from their TV sets, it has opened the floodgates to a generation of TV producers for whom the Internet is their native medium."
However, CastTV and Hulu are still in private beta. I've seen both and they look very promising.
They Promised Us Convergence Part 1
They Promised Us Convergence Part 2
Labels: Todd+Tibbetts, TV+Video
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