Idioms, Credos, Sayings and Maxims: Part 2
“Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.” Every piece of information we get from another person is filtered thru their unique reality, thus it is tainted. Plus, what we see with our own eyes ain’t always that reliable either.
“When all you have is a hammer then every problem starts looking like a nail.” Artists should experiment with new mediums. Musicians should try other instruments and knowledge workers should broaden their toolsets and approaches.
“Shit in. Shit out.” The end result is a direct product of the effort and talent put in. This also means that a project is only as good as it's initial assets and ideas.
“Just because you can doesn’t mean you should.” This was proven time and again during the early days of desktop publishing when young designers realized that computers rendered 16 million colors…and set about to use every one of them. In a single project.
“Luck favors the prepared.” The harder I work, the luckier I get.
See also: Idioms, Credos, Sayings and Maxims: Part 1
Labels: lexicon, Todd+Tibbetts
"May I mambo dog face banana patch."
When all else fails, say something incomprehensible and you will generally get your way.
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