Monday, April 14, 2008

The Convergence Culture Consortium

Ever since I was in high school in the 1980s, I've been hearing about the coming convergence of digital media, TV and online networks. I'm not talking about the Harmonic Convergence or the Convergence Goth Festival or even the Italian rock band. I'm talking about the merging of all media into a great blob of ones and zeros.

In 2008 we are closer than ever before. I feel it in the fiber of the web. This blog is dedicated to bringing you insight and commentary on digital culture and converging media. To that end, check out the links below for a great bunch of MIT gurus and their blogs, podcasts and conferences.

"The Convergence Culture Consortium (C3) explores the ways the business landscape is changing in response to the growing integration of content and brands across media platforms and the increasingly prominent roles that consumers are playing in shaping the flow of media. C3 connects researchers and thinkers from MIT's Comparative Media Studies program with companies looking to understand new strategies for doing business in a converging media environment."

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