Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Human-Computer Interfaces, MultiTouch and the Death of the Mouse

Check out this human-computer interface concept from Clayton Miller (10/GUI). Will we forever be using a mouse to click windows? Probably not. So...then what's next?

"The mouse and the windowed desktop are perhaps the two greatest innovations in the history of human-computer interaction. But like all innovations, they are best seen as part of a continuum rather than a terminus.

The mouse and the window led us out of the confines of the keyboard and the text prompt to the world of graphical and spatial possibility we enjoy today. But there's no reason to stop there."

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Blogger Dave Ballantine said...

I think it might be a little bit premature to declare the death of the mouse.

Even within the mobile space, some people still prefer the tactile experience of a keyboard (instead of a virtual one like the iPhone).

When was the last time you watched someone use a game controller who had never picked one up before. Some peeps have a lot of trouble with that type of dexterity.

And the dude's voice in that video is creeping me out!

October 19, 2009 11:11 AM  
Blogger Rob said...

i LOVE the music bed! can i buy it somewhere? I MUST HAVE THAT SONG.

once, when i was like nine or something, i saw a dog that had been skinned in the woods. i don't know who skinned it. maybe i did. you don't know.

October 19, 2009 3:36 PM  
Blogger Cameron L. Martindell said...

This is cool. A bit trippy, to think about controlling a GUI environment like that, but I guess the idea of typing was pretty daunting before I knew how. We'll get there. Keep the goods rollin, bro!

November 12, 2009 8:00 PM  

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