Sunday, November 23, 2008

Cinematic Crowdsourcing with Netflix

A great story from On The Media aired today. Check out the full audio above. "For Netflix, and a host of other online companies, being able to recommend another film, book or song you might like has become the holy grail of Internet business. As the New York Times Magazine’s Clive Thompson explains, the information is so valuable that Netflix is offering a million dollars to the first person who can know you better then you know yourself."

Clive also wrote about this in today's NYT Magazine, dubbed "The Screen Issue". If you haven't seen this issue, get it now. For anyone interested in the future of movies, TV and the Internet...check it out.

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Sunday, April 13, 2008

On The Media Podcast: How to Fix Tech Policy

Check out the recent On The Media interview podcast (above) with Tim Wu, Columbia University law professor and co-author of Who Controls the Internet?: Illusions of a Borderless World.

He's written an article for Slate Magazine about Jump-Starting Our Tech Policy where he outlines his recommendations which include appointing a broadband czar.

Wu is also an advisor to Barack Obama who has a pretty progressive technology policy. The next president needs to devise a cohesive approach toward communications and media which will allow equal access and continued innovation.

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