| Practical, Direct and Useful
I am deeply embedded in the modern digital media landscape. I have grown up personally and professionally in an environment of video, internet, online games and digital communications. I lead clients to solutions for their digital dilemmas.
Practical knowledge is transferred in the form of:
- training
- research reports
- strategic brainstorming
- business plan creation
- RFP writing/proposal creation
- functional specification writing
- content and site audits
- creative project leadership
I customize a plan for every client. I meet first, free of charge, to discuss the client's challenges and needs. I then produce a proposal for suggested services with clearly defined deliverables, costs and timelines.
Because I am involved with Seattle-based digital media agencies, I have much additional talent to draw on if necessary. Consulting engagements always start small and focused. If additional resources and talent are needed, then these resources can be called on quickly and efficiently.
My skills include: Managing Creative Teams, Entrepreneurial Know-How and Resourcefulness, Content
Creation and Management, Multimedia Production, Creative and Business Writing, Technical
Management, Knowledge of personal computers since 1984. Mac or PC, Office, Visio, Excel,
passable XHTML and knowledge of CSS, Photoshop, Video Editing. Thorough
understanding of Internet protocols, applications, history and culture.
Learn More:
Digital Definitions and Three Letter Acronyms
My Internet Industry Comics and Drawings
My Articles About Online Entertainment
How-To Video Online
My Coverage of Various Tech Conferences
A Sloppy Survey of Branded Content
Top 10 Ways to Create Your Own Business Deals
Business Networking Online
Stories of SWAG
No Schmooze, You Lose
My Silverlight Deep Zoom Comic
10 Steps to Make Your Content a Powerful Asset
Social Searching and Collaborative Filtering
3D Animation Gets Gooder and Gooder
DIY Video in the Age of Digital Media